SAP IBP is a cloud-based solution focuses on bringing inventory, sales, financial, and supply planning processes into a single, consistent, and seamless plan. It helps businesses effectively manage their operational and strategic goals in an integrated environment. A few of SAP IBP’s features are:
- Corporation across verticals in an organization.
- An exceptional, user-friendly interface.
- Real-time simulations for different business scenarios in order to meet the growing business requirement, supply, and financial models of an enterprise.
Modules of SAP IBP are:
Sales and Operations:
- SAP IBP for sales & operations (S&OP) is importantly integrated business planning. It provides integration of sales and operations planning in a business.
- SAP IBP for demand provides a precise demand plan which can be used to forecast accurately and allows for efficient execution.
- SAP IBP for inventory assists in advanced inventory planning for highly complex supply chains.
Response and Supply:
- SAP IBP for response and supply helps perform capacity planning and analysis based on several constraints across the supply chain.
- SAP IBP is one of the most demanding modules and is one of the most widespread predominant enterprises of business systems.
- It is an important tool for enterprises with respect to functioning and streamlining their processes across various business segments, from sales to financial accounting. The SAP IBP certificate holders get employed by several organizations globally.
- There is a rapid increase in demand for SAP experts in the industry, and if you want to be a part of the industry, you must enroll in a good SAP course. There is a massive choice of SAP courses online and it is challenging to pick the best SAP certification online.
Course Content
IBP Overview
IBP Configuration Overview
Master data types
Time Profile
Planning Area
Planning Level
Characteristics of Keyfigures
Alert Keyfigure
Helper keyfigure
Attribute as a Keyfigure
Snapshot keyfigure
Attribute as transformation
Keyfigure Calculations
Keyfigure Aggrigation functions
IBP Excel
Planning view
EPM/IBP Formating
Web based planning
Data Integration
Applocation Jobs
Demand Planning Overview
Demand Planning Stat Forecasting
Demand Planning- NPI and Forecast Error
Time Series Analysis
ABC/XYZ Segmentation
Life Cycle Planning
Inventory Optimization Overview
Inventory Optimization Algorithms
Inventory Optimization Scenario and Simulation
IBP S&OP Overview
Supply Planning Overview
Supply Planning - Forecast Consumption
Supply Planning - Infinite Heuristics
Supply Planning - Finite Heuristics
Supply Planning - Supply Propagation
Supply Planning - Optimizer
IBP Control Tower Overview
SAP IBP ( Integrated business planning) is a process for translating desired business outcomes into financial and operational resource requirements, with the overarching objective of maximizing profit and / or cash flow, while minimizing risk. SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP) is a real-time supply chain application built on the S/4HANA platform. It’s designed to leverage real-time data, a user-friendly dashboard, and predictive analytic tools to optimize business planning cycles. IBP is made of up of 4 foundational components: Sales and Operations, Response and Supply, Inventory, and Demand. The Supply Chain Control Tower acts as the centralized visual interface of all the IBP components. Each component is independent, so you can use only what you need. If you need one of the other components in the future, it will be data current, but it will stay in the background until called.
Advantages of IBP:
Flexible user interface
• Integrated data for organization-wide planning processes
• End-to-end strategic visibility
• Faster reaction time to environmental changes
• Demand sensing and other advanced planning tools
30-35 hrs
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Care Instructions
Care Instructions