
SAP DMO (Database Migration Option) Online Training

SAP DMO (Database Migration Option) is not a new tool it is just a new option in an existing
tool of Software Update Manager. Database migration option (DMO) is a one-step migration
to the HANA Database. DMO is an integration of migration, upgrade and the Unicode
conversion and we do not need to update the database software of the old database first.
Companies are increasingly deciding to migrate their existing SAP systems to the HANA
database, however sometimes they may fear the migration process itself. Database
Migration Option is a universal tool that makes the implementation of SAP system migration
projects more efficient and secure.

Advantages of Database Migration Options (DOM):
 The migration steps are simplified.
 Database migration and System Updates are integrated in one tool.
 Business Downtime is reduced.
 It is possible to include Unicode migration if needed.
 A well-known tool SUM with enhanced User Interface is used.

SAP DMO is one of the most passionate trends in the present market as SAP DMO with in-
memory design and performance has previously brought the concentration of Fortune 500
organizations who are trading with a large amount of data every day.
The scope of the SAP DMO programming language can also be predicted by the way big data
technology has improved. SAP DMO has been successfully adding to analyzing a huge
number of data sets across computer clusters through its high-performance toolkits and
libraries. Salary modifies as an SAP DMO Developer according to the various cities in India.


30-35 hrs

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