How to Maintain Your Competitive Edge During Change As A Supply Chain Expert?

How to Maintain Your Competitive Edge During Change As A Supply Chain Expert?

In the domain of supply chain management, seeing beyond your particular operational area or location is becoming increasingly crucial. Operational teams frequently work with people from different nations and cultural backgrounds. Additionally, the supply chain frequently collaborates with fields like finance and advertising. You are more likely than ever to be a part of cross-functional groups or projects. You can even think of kinaxis rapid response certification training to gain more expertise. 

Here are four tips to make your journey more manageable if you want to enhance your expertise as a supply chain professional.

Understand the environment of the organisation

Individuals frequently make the mistake of striving very hard to please their current employer, and they neglect to spend time learning about the corporate culture. For instance, in an "old school" organisation that resists quick, enormous change, a person who vigorously pushes for changes can easily deviate off course.

Culture is influenced by that kind of corporate environment, too. Companies in traditional industries could be sluggish to adapt, but those in the quickly changing electronics industry must be exceptionally imaginative and nimble. They frequently benefit from regular change and fresh perspectives. Make sure to invest the effort to identify the major performers in your company. Despite keeping a low profile, they have a significant impact on how the company runs. 

Performance is crucial, but remember to keep it in context

You should almost expect to need to perform at your best when at work. However, exceptional employees go above and beyond by raising the standard of efficiency. They discover unique ways to express themselves, such as by actively coaching, resolving issues, and coming up with strategies to advance the company.

On the latter point, however, it is important to stress that making suggestions for enhancements does not equate to consistently criticising the business. Those who are renowned for continuous criticism and unpleasant negativity will quickly fall behind, especially junior workers who may still not be fully capable of making decisions.

Be mindful of the image

Consider the significance of your image, which goes beyond your appearance. In the workplace, whatever you suggest, where you suggest it, and how you suggest it matters. Even in-office private chats are subject to this rule. For instance, don't share far too much personally identifiable information when establishing business relationships.

Individuals who have recently relocated from a university campus to the office ought to put interactions like those that take place in dormitories behind. Remember that a bad reputation limits your opportunities in the eyes of others, even if the views are incorrect, as they are dependent on rumours or transgressions.


It was not a discovery, but in today's cross-functional, international workplace, the connection has acquired a new meaning. Limiting the connectivity area to the industry you work in is no longer appropriate. Your circle of connections should now include co-workers from different divisions and regions. Leaders of certain other departments and units can still speak well about you when raises are being discussed, even though you might not be in their administrative chain.


Supply chain professionals must learn to identify the power bases that will give them the most employment power, much like mountain climbers. You may have to shift laterally or even experience some drops as you advance toward the peak of your goals; however, these failures are chances to reorganise and start a stronger ascent. If you want to enhance your knowledge, you can check for Kinaxis rapid response training online.  

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